Our objective is to prevent cleaning deficiencies and issues from arising before they ever have a chance to manifest. A vital system that we use to enforce and maintain our quality control program is our Preventive Maintenance Plan (PMP) schedule. The PMP schedule is a chart of task frequencies that the cleaning crew of each facility is expected to fulfill. In the PMP schedule, tasks are separated into the various frequencies required by the contract: daily, weekly, bimonthly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and annual tasks, and tasks to be performed as needed or upon request.

We currently enforce the PMP schedule in all of our facilities because it has proven to be a highly effective tool to ensure that the services we provide are in accordance with our clients’ specifications and, more importantly, expectations. Consequently, the quality of cleaning improves, supervision becomes tighter, and our clients and their tenants are more satisfied. The use of such frequency task schedules is essential for ensuring uniformity of service and quality throughout the facilities.